Foot Reflexology
Indian Head Massage


Wellbeing in the workplace

In 2022/23, stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 49% of all work-related ill health and 54% of all working days lost due to work-related ill health (Source – LFS –

Many companies are now looking at workplace wellbeing programs and are discovering the benefits of a happy and healthy workforce!

By introducing employees to in-house therapy treatments, stress is greatly reduced, leading to increased motivation, reduced staff turnover and less absenteeism.

How can reflexology work for your company?

I am able to visit your company for a half or full day to provide 20-60 minute ‘stress-busting’ treatments to your employees.  I bring all my own equipment and all that is required is a small private room.

Treatments offered; reflexology, Indian head massage and reiki.

Sessions can be booked monthly, bi monthly, quarterly – whatever suits your business.


Some companies wholly subsidise treatments for their staff, some make a contribution and others ask that their employees pay, but allow them the time to book a treatment in their working day. 

Benefits of workplace treatments

Benefits for Employers:

  • Improved motivation, productivity and effectiveness of employees
  • Higher company/job satisfaction scores leading to increased loyalty
  • Reduced employee stress
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Attractive benefit for recruitment
  • Inexpensive way for a company to invest in employees’ wellbeing

Benefits for Employees:

  • Increased staff morale and feeling of being valued by the company
  • Improved health, wellbeing and enhanced resistance to future illness
  • Potential reduced absenteeism
  • Convenience of treatment during the working day
  • Cost – part/wholly subsidised if applicable.



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